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Grant Application
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Business Partnerships
Who We Support
Donation Info
How to Help
Grant Application
Helpful Phone Numbers
Quick Links
Business Partnerships
Grant Application
Date of Application
Representative’s Contact Information
Full Name
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Organization Information
Legal Name of Organization:
Operating Name of Organization (if different from above):
Mailing Address:
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Years this organization has been in existence:
Number of volunteers:
Number of paid employees:
Percentage of monetary donations used for rescue/charitable activities (vs administration, operational costs, etc.)
If you receive a grant from Resale to the Rescue, are you willing to provide a written accounting of how the award was used within 60 days of receiving the grant?
What is your organization’s mission statement?
Please explain in detail how your organization fulfills your mission.
What is the geographical area of focus for your organization?
Give an overview of your accomplishments in the past two years. (For example: number of animals adopted into homes, number of animals spayed/neutered, specific medical issues addressed, etc.)
Is there anything else you would like to share about your organization?
If you are a rescue:
What grant amount are you seeking?
Explain in detail how you plan to use the grant money. How do your plans further our mission to reduce euthanasia in our local shelters?
Is the grant needed for a specific event? What is the date of that event?
Is the grant needed for an immediate situation? Please explain fully.
Is there any other information you would like to share with us about your financial needs?
Resale to the Rescue Promotion
If your grant is awarded, are you willing to promote Resale to the Rescue to your members, volunteers, and followers? What, specifically, would you do to promote our store?
I certify that the above information is true and correct.
Printed Name:
Date 1
Make sure you submit the following items:
Completed Grant Application (not handwritten)
Copy of 501c3 letter from the IRS
Copy of most recent two years of 990 forms (NOT 990-N) OR complete documentation of monies received and expenses for the past TWO YEARS. (i.e. bank statements from the past two years)
Please do not contact us regarding your submitted application. We review grant applications on a quarterly basis, so it may take up to three months to review your applications. We will contact you via email if you are awarded, or are denied, a grant. Grant applications will not be retained by Resale to the Rescue. A new application and current financial information, will be required for each quarterly grant request that you wish to make. Applications submitted without the required financial information will not be considered. Thank you.
Thank you!